Trauma Responses Do Not Have Anything to Do With Our Intelligence

Over my recent Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training something clicked for me as a teacher explaining Trauma to my clients and how it impacts our physical and mental health.

I recalled just how many times very intelligent clients stated that they waited to reach out for Trauma-Informed Care.

And it was because they cognitively were very smart. And could not understand why they could not think, Talk Therapy their way out of, or read enough books to heal from trauma and chronic stress.

This is because…

Our nervous system responses have nothing to do with our intelligence. Trauma and Stress responses are automatic. This is why we can be very smart & still experience Trauma responses that we do not cognitively choose.

Many clients will say to me:

“But I have all these degrees.”

“I am a professional in my field.”

“I am a parent.”

“I have done a lot of talk therapy.”

“I have forgiven this person in my mind.”

And the thing is that our nervous systems run automatically. They are on auto-pilot with past stress and trauma force choosing your responses: physically, mentally, and how you are in the world.

When we bring awareness, co-regulation, support, & experiential trauma resolving practices to your autonomic nervous system–responses: healing starts to become possible.

-Shannon, The Integrative Counselor