On Soul Fragment Retrievals

Modern western psychology dismisses indigenous wisdom and has largely misunderstood trauma, dissociation, and the soul–until very recently.

And only if you really have been a mental health trauma practitioner for a while AND have gone through your own Self-Actualization process do YOU even start to remember.

At age 5, I remembered. And because what I knew wasn’t safe to know or validated–I creatively developed OCD to keep mySelf safe.

Knowing, I would retrieve what was lost–later.

And I did.

Several years ago, I conducted my own soul fragment retrieval. Using natural elements, the strength of my own inner knowing, a full surrender, and coded with a shamanic unique phrase to call back that five-year-old soul fragment that was lost due to trauma to re-integrate.

It was at that point in my Modern Medicine Woman initiation that I knew what I was here to do.

So, I got weird-er. But not really. It just felt more authentic to fully step into work that has been an ongoing study–over multiple lifetimes and within cultural lineages of origin

And knowing that within me exists the colonizer AND colonized–more deep work. Because if you stop at doing your own work and do not do not finish the work of your ancestors–you fall short.

We often get it twisted. Trying to make the external world better–without going within.

This process was more than just a lot of schooling and training on root-cause modalities. It was also a lot of unraveling of internalized shadows. Racism and every other -ism that exists within the collective consciousness.

So I went inside while also training externally. “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” -Hermes Trismegistus.

Each new modality that I took on was just a remembering.

Integrative Medicine reminded me that yes, we can treat every health condition with nature.

Psychedelic Healing showed me various bardos, past lives, and parts of myself fragmented off–that I was to fully accept to retrieve. And then using IFS with mySelf–develop cross-communication channels between the parts of mySelf that hold Self back.

Somatic Trauma Modalities have reminded me how the soul/life force dissociates when traumatized. And with skilled work (and co-regulation from another skilled practitioner)–RE-associates. This work is primal. Natural. And also how we heal trauma.

Reiki Master Energy work guides me back to the past (and to the future) to rebalance my energetic body to remake myself in the here and now as Whole. It shows me where the imbalance started and where to travel to retrieve anything lost along the way.

Shamanic Journeys allow me to step into multidimensional realms to confirm the next steps in this plane of existence for my highest healing.

And it is through my own work (and decades of evidence-based training) that I guide my clients into stepping into being their own Self-Shamans.

Like most skilled integrative mental health trauma practitioners–my work has taken on a whole different level since the pandemic began.

When clients are ready–I do facilitate soul and soul fragment retrievals through somatic trauma work, energy work, and guided shamanic journeys. (This is all-natural and within their/our higher level of consciousness and bodies.)

There are no words to describe what I have witnessed as far as healing.

All of my modalities are not *mine*. They belong to all healed ancestors and living evidence-based root-cause master teachers embodied in form.

It is a deep value of mine that I teach everything I am doing to my clients–so there are no barriers to healing. Each modality I use with them is taught to them to use on themselves.

My clients walk away knowing how to heal themselves with their Inner Healer, Somatic Self, and Self Energy guiding their next steps on the healing path.

Wholeness is for real. Sometimes we do have to journey far and wide to retrieve soul fragments of ourselves lost due to trauma–and I am here to tell you that the trip is so worth it.

There is nothing more urgent than to heal. If everyone stepped into their own healing–peace on Earth naturally would happen.

Eventually, you do heal. And I don’t mean being “perfect” when I say “heal.” I mean, eventually, you step into Wholeness that already exists.

Doing trauma work and soul retrievals just have the side effect of less suffering, being able to stay embodied through anything, and fully living in the present moment. AKA the feeling of Full ALIVENESS.

You have choices. And healing is one of them.

I love walking folks Home and teaching them to be their own Self-Shamans.

-Shannon, “The Integrative Counselor”

You are invited to schedule your local or virtual session here: https://calendly.com/theintegrativecounselor

On Egolessness and Healing

Before you lose your ego, you have to have an ego.

Folks who come to spiritual practices, the healing arts, and psychedelics generally come from a place of profound suffering.

And I get it. I have been there. I too am a complex trauma thriver.

The fact is that our egos keep us tethered to space and time. It is how you know the difference between your Self and say, a table.

And with Trauma, our ego is fragmented into many parts that are hidden from our conscious awareness.

Spiritual practices and psychedelics (if done intentionally and with the right elements in place)–begin to make the unconscious…conscious.

The protective parts that are hidden start to come to the surface for healing. And their main roles are to keep you in patterns of protection (vs. connection/healing.) Even long after they are useful.

Integration can be extremely difficult for those without a balanced ego or a solid sense of Self (and no support.) Because the ego has no solid Self to land within—causing the ego to double down on no-longer-useful patterns of protection (trauma responses), fear, and separation.

The ego then has to be rebuilt. This is actually a gift–IF you have support. You get to build a solid sense of Self and balance your ego.

And it may be the hardest work you have ever done. Especially if you are unaware of the deep process that integration entails. Most folks come to plant medicines thinking it’s a quick fix.

Oh no–this will be the hardest you have ever worked.

No wisdom comes without work. There are no soul shortcuts, Boo.

Some of the best evidence-based Trauma-Informed ego work practices to use after egolessness to integrate the unspeakable and transcendental nature of everything and nothing are:

  • Somatics/Somatic Experiencing
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)
  • Core Work (yes, pilates–because: embodiment)
  • Art and Music Therapy
  • Dance Therapy
  • Integrative Medicine

Preferably, you would prepare for spiritual practices and psychedelics BEFORE utilizing them with the modalities above. But that’s not what I am seeing.

We must develop a solid sense of Self & ego–to transcend the Self & ego.

The point is to be more rooted in being, love, and Life.

“Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.”

Zen Saying

In Healing,

Shannon- “The Integrative Counselor”