
Results in just one session!
Inner Healer and The Reboot Client

“I am SO grateful for all I have learned from you! My anxiety would be through the roof right now if I didn’t have the tools I do now! So thankful!”

– Client Testimonial on Integrative Mental Health tools learned during coaching sessions during the pandemic.

“My 17-year-old teenage daughter and I engaged Shannon as an Integrative Health Coach in an effort to better understand 1) the impact of food choices on the brain; 2) the brain | gut connection, and 3) alternatives to medication for an ADHD diagnosis. What most see as a diagnosis, our family believes is a gift to be leveraged (see The ADHD Advantage: What You Thought Was a Diagnosis May Be Your Greatest Strength by Dale Archer, M.D.). Shannon’s personal health experience, integrative model and collaboration with functional medicine healthcare providers provided a creative basis for our learning adventure. Our daughter agreed to eliminate dairy, sugar, and gluten while adhering to the Paleo way of eating (rather than diet) for 31 days; I supported her by joining her. Before embarking on our journey, Shannon conducted a food pantry and refrigerator audit to teach us how to identify the culprits to unwellness (such as unidentifiable and unpronounceable ingredients). She coached my daughter one-on-one to gauge progress, listen to concerns and motivate her. She shared tips on how to shop economically for the freshest ingredients and inspired us to re-think what we put into our bodies. At the end of our 31-day adventure, my daughter was encouraged to continue for another 60 days due to some past health issues treated with antibiotics, the amount of processed food she was eating and the amount of caffeine she was taking in. She declined, added dairy, gluten, and sugar back in and found herself right back where she started. Thankfully, she eventually discovered that she needed to take ownership and responsibility for her health and well-being by making better food decisions, working out, getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep, decreasing her caffeine intake and learning more about leveraging ADHD. The foundation put in place with Shannon ultimately helped our daughter lose between 15 and 20 pounds, become more focused and make better lifestyle choices once she was ready. My experience, as a late 40-year-old woman was significantly different than our daughter’s and extremely refreshing. After 31 days, my mind was clearer than it’s ever been, my body shifted in ways I didn’t realize was possible and I had a lot more energy. I continue to limit dairy, gluten, and sugar by choosing whole foods and rarely if ever eating processed items. When our family eats out, we’re more mindful of where we go and aim to enjoy fresh ingredients. I have and will continue to refer Shannon to others who are ready to take responsibility and ownership of what they put in their bodies, are willing to go beyond the traditional medical model in treating health-related challenges and recognize the benefit of embracing timeless approaches to our health and well-being.”

– Mother of 17-year old, Founder, Small Business Owner, Consultant Coach, Trainer, & Facilitator (Results achieved in just a season of life)

“My daily heartburn is gone, sugar cravings gone, IBS symptoms vastly improved, sleeping better, and I have no mid-day slump. And the best part is I lost 15 lbs and 12 total inches, including 4.25 inches around my waist. If that isn’t progress, I don’t know what is!”

-Busy Working Mother of Two, Health Coaching Client (Results after just 1 month)

“Overall, I lost 10 lbs and 8 inches. I start my new job on Monday!”

– Terry, Health + Career Coaching Client (Results after just 1 month)

“It’s been awesome being in this group and working together. I’m thrilled with the results! I’ve improved in so man areas I had not planned on. I’m sleeping better, eating much healthier, drinking more water, hardly any pop and refined sugar. I am exercising more and have way more energy. My skin has even improved. I’ve learned to be more open minded to change.” 

-Angie, Health + Life Coaching Client (Results after 2 months)

“I hemmed and hawed over joining this group for days before I bit the bullet. I’m so grateful that I did! For the first time in four years I feel like I have control over my diet, my decision making, my path in life.”

-Doris, Health + Life Coaching Client (Results after 1 month)

“Thank you for your time today, time spent reading what I sent, and the time you will spend putting things together for me. I feel like you really get me and I sense your genuine determination to help me move past being in pain and symptoms. I have been praying to have hope and Faith in God’s healing power. Our interactions spark my hope.”

-Christina, Virtual Health Coaching Client. Christina is back to living her life and is working out in the gym again.