Our Nervous System State Create Our Stories

Our nervous system state and Trauma responses create the story we have about ourselves, others, and the world around us.

State creates story.

The Reboot, my signature 6-week online group coaching program was created as a way to make healing more accessible and is a blend of all the root-cause healing modalities that I practice. It is the EXACT class I wish I had on my own healing journey.

There isn’t another class out there like it.

Folks who have been in therapy for a decade benefited more in this short class than they have after a decade of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and medication.

People have healed long COVID, their sleep, gut function, and improved their mental health and chronic illnesses from taking this class.

Colleagues who take it say to me “I never learned any of this information in Graduate school or any of my professional trainings!”

Students learn how to come more into play and stillness, connect to themselves and others, access intimacy, practice body-based somatics, apply boundaries, know how their fragmented parts hold them back from Life, retrain their nervous systems, and all other aspects that are needed for Whole Self Healing.

You will map every single Trauma response out and gather resource upon healing resource to apply to your triggers.

Each class is part education part experiential embodied somatic practice.

Ultimately, students of The Reboot become more Alive and their True Self after taking The Reboot.

The Reboot + all of my services are Trauma-Informed, Healing Centered, Disability Inclusive, Culturally Competent, Somatic/Body-Based, LGBTQIA2+ affirming, Kink and Poly Friendly, operated from a Harm Reduction Model, and evidence-based.

-The Integrative Counselor