Trauma-Informed Integration Support May be Necessary with Microdosing for Healing to Occur

🍄Microdosing is super hot right now and a lot is being written as to how microdosing is helping Influencers be more creative.

And I love that.

I also love Trauma-Informed Care and evidence-based clinical research (that is not funded by Big Pharma.)

So while it is super hip for some Influencers to get very creative on magic mushrooms…This is not what I am seeing as a MAPS-Approved Psychedelic Integration Coach who is a Trauma-Informed.

What I am seeing is that for folks with unresolved trauma–microdosing with psychedelics may be making their lived experience harder due to unresolved Trauma being moved from their subconscious to their mind-body-spirit.

Microdosing with Psychedelics Can Start to Unburden Unresolved Trauma--Making Microdosing Difficult for Those Without Trauma-Informed Integration Support

Without proper integration support to heal what is coming up and through our mind-body-spirit the charge of unresolved Trauma moving from the subconscious to conscious awareness becomes stuck, overwhelming, triggering, confusing, fatiguing, and un-integrated.

Depression can be a Trauma expression. Anxiety can be as well. Overworking and perfectionism that brings creative, spiritual, and neurodivergent folks to psychedelics also has Trauma origins.

Clinical research is still being done on the who, what, when, where, and how microdosing is/isn’t beneficial.

And while we wait on research–My biggest suggestion to those still stuck AND microdosing:

Integration, Boo. Integration.💫

-Shannon, The Integrative Counselor

This message was typed on the land of the Sauk, Iowa, and Meskwaki Peoples.