An Integrative Take on Trauma Responses

Dearly Beloved, I’m dedicated to teaching evidence-ways to actually heal, deal, and feel your way through this thing called Life.

Somatic Trauma-Informed Integrative Mental Health & Nervous system retraining are some of my coaching specialties.

Unresolved Trauma causes your nervous system to unconsciously respond with incomplete self-protection responses (Trauma responses).

Trauma responses are your mind-body’s way of keeping you alive. They are based on past experiences–showing up again & again in the present (in the attempt to resolve the original threat.)

Trauma causes different parts of yourself to show up to manage present-day situations–based on past Traumatic events.

Unresolved Trauma, therefore, causes a part(s) of you to unconsciously respond & react–suppressing your biological wellbeing & expressing as physical + mental health symptoms.

When Trauma is not metabolized, protector parts show up with their best attempts, coping skills, & behaviors to manage your nervous system here & now.

If you listen really closely to your body, you can feel the somatic imprints of the past playing in the present.

Example: Being terrified as adult screams at you at 5 years old & having your stomach in knots—causes your 5-year-old part to show up at work when your boss yells at you & now you have IBS.

Your Trauma responses are housed within different parts of your nervous system–with different protector parts attempting to cope with stressful situations.

Your Fight or Flight Fix Protectors: attempt to cope by: controlling, quitting, rebelling, rushing, lying, perfectionism, bracing, criticizing, self-harm, OCD, impulsiveness, & activity addictions. They seek safety by taking ACTION (which P.S is exhausting.) These parts get diagnosed with a lot of health conditions.

Your Freeze Exile Protectors: come online when you get overwhelmed. Overwhelm leads to fragmentation in your system. They hold unprocessed terror, grief, rage, shame, & despair. And they get reactivated by any similar event. They want to be heard–& attempt to do so by showing up as physical diseases.

Your Collapse Protectors: are those who have chronic fatigue, dissociate, have depression, people please, withdraw, zone-out, & have numbing addictions. They seek safety by DISCONNECTING.

This is why I teach how to heal Trauma through your body + Vagus Nerve, naturally with a combination of Somatic Trauma Therapies and Integrative holistic solutions.

Healing is for real,

Shannon “The Integrative Counselor”